bionic people


If you want to organize an event with your company, association, or school and live an experience full of emotions, write us, and we will contact you as soon as possible!

1st july, 2023

Burpeesday Challenge, Torino

Burpeesday Challenge - Torino 2023

Offline event

The second edition of the “Burpees Day Challenge” organized by our Andrea De Beni took place on July 1, at 5 different CrossFit BOXES in Turin and its province.

A natively inclusive event that sees Bionic People partner of the initiative: the proceeds of the event will go to charity at the Fondazione Specchio dei Tempi for the flood victims in Emilia Romagna and Marche.

The event was held from 16 in Turin, Moncalieri, Venaria, Rivoli and Pinerolo.

10th june, 2023

5th Stage of IPT, Pesaro

Vincitori tappa Pesaro 2023

Offline event

This time the IPT stops in Pesaro to take part in the SportinTour event organized by the US Acli in collaboration with Sport and Health.

To win is the pair Liverani – Andriani who triumphs in the final against Maraschio – Ferreri.

26-28th may, 2023

HRC Meeting 2023, Forte Village Resort 

HRC Meeting 2023

Offline event

From 27 to 29 May, the Forte Village in Sardinia was the stage of the HRC Meeting 2023. Several members of Bionic People, with the support of HRC Community – MyHRGoal, have joined forces to spread the powerful message of inclusion of which the association is the spokesperson since 2019 🤝

During this extraordinary event, our testimonials shared their personal stories of resilience, demonstrating that challenges can be transformed into opportunities and that differences can be a source of strength.


20th may, 2023

4th Stage of IPT, Prato

Vincitori IPT Prato 2023

Offline event

It was held in Prato the fourth stage of the IPT. To raise the trophy this time is the pair Ossola – Bertini.

In this stage in addition to the plaque, the two winners also won a beautiful racket offered by the sponsor Cupra Florence.

18th may, 2023

Vivo Meglio final project meeting

Progetto Vivo Meglio 2023

Offline event

At the Centro Sportivo Robilant in Turino, on May 18, the last meeting of the Vivo Meglio project was held, involving Bionic People and the instructors of the Sports Centre, thanks to the financial support of Fondazione CRT.

We held several meetings with high school students, raising awareness of diversity and inclusion. The activities offered include the paralympic bowl, inclusive padel lessons and sitting volleyball.

Thanks to our testimonials actively involved in the project: Edoardo Bonelli, Alessandro Ossola, Riccardo Cotilli, Gregory Leperdi, Francesca Fossato, Valentina Acciardi.

6th may, 2023

3rd Stage of IPT, Milan

Vincitori Tappa Milano 2023

Offline event

Milan was the setting for the third stage of the Inclusive Padel Tour. Liverani, this time with Montanari, is the winner.


2nd April, 2023

2nd Stage of IPT, Budrio

Tappa Budrio IPT 2023

Offline event

The second stage of the Inclusive Padel Tour 2023 took place in Budrio, where the couple Liverani – Leanza triumphed.

In second place are Locatelli and Cappelletti.


11 – 12th march, 2023

Event on the snow with Ottobock, Pila

Pila 2023

Offline event

Thanks to ottobock technicians many guys have had the opportunity to try skiing for the first time after the accident: an emotion that is difficult to forget.

11th march, 2023

1st Stage of IPT, Rome

Tappa IPT Roma 2023

Offline event

The IPT circuit reopens with the first stage held in Rome at the PIX padel experience fair.

To triumph on this occasion the couple Maraschio – Diamonds.

7th march, 2023

Meeting with the Ministry of Disability, Turin

Incontro Ministro Disabilità marzo 2023

Offline event

Our Alessandro Ossola, Francesca Fossato, Riccardo Cotilli and Edoardo Bonelli had the pleasure of meeting Alessandra Locatelli, Minister of Disability.

We talked about :
– Nomenclator
– insurance
– Inclusion
– School
– Sport

The next objective is a discussion table with Orazio Schillaci, Minister of Health
We are working to improve… for everyone.

Thanks to Fondazione CRT for the hospitality.

28th february, 2023

D&I training in schools

scuole 2023

Offline event

Gregory Leperdi and Andrea De Beni meet the boys of the schools in the province of Turin.

24th february, 2023

Expression Live Contest

Concorso expression live 2023

Dance competition

Our Daniele Terenzi had the pleasure of dancing as a guest in @danzainfiera thanks to @assodanza_italia.

Thanks also to Miriam Baldassarri because her work is extraordinarily tangible.

4th january, 2023

Striscia la notizia

Striscia la Notizia 2023

TV program participation

Thanks to Jimmy Ghione, the guys of Bionic People have been able to bring to light an important problem such as the need to update the Nomenclator.

Today, in fact, many children cannot access state-of-the-art technological aids that would allow them to lead a more satisfying life.

27th December, 2022

“Caro destino ti scrivo”, TV program

TV program participation

Our Andra Bianca participates in the program “Caro destino ti scrivo” talking about her story and her accident.

A very strong and useful witness for everyone.

10th December, 2022

Bionic People Awards, Milan

natale 2022

Offline event

On the occasion of the Christmas holidays the team of Bionic People met to play padel and reward the projects carried out during the year by all the testimonials.

The winners were:

– Daniele terenzi for the dance
– Chira Bordi as best bionic actress
– Lorenzo Liverani as Padel’s best player

6th December, 2022

CPD event, Sporting center of Turin

CPD 2022

Offline event

Marco Veglia, Giorgio Napoli and Riccardo Cotilli met the boys of the schools of Turin at the Sporting center to celebrate the Paralympic sport and give the opportunity to the boys to do a workout together with the bionic athletes.

5th December, 2022

Meeting with students

scuole 2022

Offline event

Andrea De Beni and Marco Veglia met the students in Turin to talk about inclusion.

For us it is always a pleasure to attend events like this that generate a great emotional impact.

13th November, 2022

Cambio Vita 2022, Rimini

Cambio Vita 2022

Offline event

Our President Alessandro Ossola participated as a speaker in an important event at the Rimini Fair whose main theme was change.

More than 1500 people attended his speech.

12th November, 2022

Biennale tecnologia 2022, University of Turin

Torino Universitaria 2022

Offline event

Our Andrea De Beni and Francesca Fossato met the students of the University of Turin.

They are happy to contribute to making the new generations more open to dialogue and diversity.

12th november, 2022

5th Stage of IPT, Rome

IPT Roma 2022

Offline event

The 5th stage of the IPT took place in Rome and saw the triumph of the couple Maraschio – Candela.

A truly fantastic time to find yourself before the 2022 tournament closes.

20 – 21th october, 2022

IPT Special Cup in Montecarlo

IPT Montecarlo 2022

Offline event

In the beautiful setting of Monte Carlo took place the special stage of IPT 2022.

On that occasion took part several characters from the world of sport and television including jimmy Ghione, Nicola Amoruso, Alessandro Budel, Stefano Fiore, Ciro Ferrara, Gigi Di Biagio and many others.

To win this stage are Alessandro Ossola paired with Alessandro Budel.

24th september, 2022

4th Stage of IPT, Aversa

caserta 2022

Offline event

The 3rd stage of the Inclusive Padel Tour took place in Caserta.

On this occasion the ortopedia Ucciero of Aversa hosted our tournament at the Zodiaco Sporting Club..

16th september, 2022

Sottogamba Game 2022

Sottogamba Game 2022

Offline event

On September 16 we joined our friends of Sottoganba Game to test ourselves in the countless sports present.

Also thanks to our testimonials active in the IPT we had the opportunity to hold a class dedicated to Padel to give the chance to the guys who had never tried this sport to try with us.

12th september, 2022

Meeting with Flex families

incontro con le famiglie Flex

Offline event

An event dedicated to the children of Flex’s corporate population took place in Milan.

During the event, our testimonials Alessandro Ossola and Daniele Terenzi told each other raising awareness about diversity and inclusion.

On this occasion the children were able to discover the world of prosthetics and find answers to their questions.

10th september, 2022

3rd Stage of IPT, Milan

tappa Milano ipt 2022

Offline event

The 3rd Stage of the IPT took place in Milano at Padel Club di Tolcinasco.

Winners of the Milanese tournament Edoardo Ravano and Daniele Terenzi.

17th july, 2022

2nd Stage of IPT, Turin

2° Tappa Torneo Inclusive Padel

Offline event

The second stage of the Inclusive Padel Tour took place in Turin.

This stage saw the triumph of the pair Leperdi – Andriani. We thank the Robilant Sporting Centre and the US ACLI for their contribution to the organization and for making this fantastic event possible!

Where will the next stop be? #staytuned

3rd july, 2022

Bobo Summer Cup 2022, Jesolo

Bobo summer cup

Offline event

We cannot but thank Vieri and his team for the incredible organization and the excellent success of an event that had the goal of raising funds for Heal. This association supports research against childhood brain cancer.

In the fantastic setting of Jesolo, Bionic People has shared once again an essential message of solid inclusion.

23-24th june, 2022

1st Padel Tournament with Cannavaro Foundation Ferrara, Naples

1° TORNEO FCF 2022

Offline event

A special event of Padel in Naples with big champions for a good cause: making hospitals to the size of a child, thanks to the Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation.

Together with Alessandro Ossola and Riccardo Cotilli participated in the tournament Amoruso, Ferrara, Panucci, Corradi, Cabrini, Di Livio, Di Biagio, and many others!

12th june, 2022

1st Stage of the IPT, Pesaro

1° Tappa Torneo Padel Inclusivo Pesaro

Offline event

It was held in Pesaro, the first stage of the Italian Inclusive Padel Cup, where Paralympic athletes, together with non-disabled athletes, competed, demonstrating that inclusion in Padel is possible.

25th may, 2022

Padel tournament in Tolcinasco, Milan

evento padel tolcinasco

Offline event

Alessandro Ossola and Riccardo Cotilli participated in the Chopard tournament at the Padel Club Tolcinasco in Milan.

A special thanks to Nicola Amoruso and Alessandro Budel for the invitation.

25th may, 2022

Final event of the educational project dedicated to schools

Progetto formativo dedicato alle scuole

Offline event

It concludes a cycle of events that lasted four months and saw us form children of various schools in Turin on issues related to diversity and inclusion.

The boys could experiment directly with the Paralympic athletes, Inclusive Padel, and Sitting Volleyball.

24th may, 2022

Us International and LAC: looking at disability with different eyes

US international e LAC

offline event

Saturday 24 May BIONIC PEOPLE took part in an international event with a focus on disability and D&I at USI USI Università della Svizzera italiana in Us International.

Thanks to LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura for the presence and to the Swiss TV Radiotelevisione svizzera (RSI) for the support to the dissemination of this important message.

20 may, 2022

Padel Mania Cup: Inclusive padel demonstration

padel mania cup

Offline event

On Friday 20th May our #bionici players Alessandro Ossola, Riccardo Cotilli, Daniele Terenzi and Giorgio Napoli had the chance to play #padel with two football legends, Francesco Totti and Daniele De Rossi.

The event was also attended by Alessandro Budel and Nicola Amoruso as well as more than 30 former players.

We thank Gigi Di Biagio for the invitation and for giving us the opportunity to demonstrate that Padel is truly an Inclusive sport.

1st may, 2022

Mind: a free mind for a high tech body


Offline event

Alessandro Ossola was the guest of the talk of MIND Milano Innovation District Fieramilano SPA and Lendlease.

A special thanks goes to Carlo Antonelli for conducting the talk and to all the team that made this incredible event possible.

5th april, 2022

Fondazione CRT and Centro Robilant:
inclusive sport

Progetto con CRT e Robilant

Offline event

From the collaboration between the Centro Robilant di Torino and Bionic People is born a project linked to the Fondazione CRT to promote inclusive sport in schools in Turin.

During the morning, the students could try sitting volleyball and listen to a speech by our President Alessandro Ossola and our testimonial Valentina Acciardi.

25th march, 2022

Auxiell: a special participation in the meeting Update Q1

evento auxiell

Offline event

Our testimonials Jacopo Parizzi and Alessandro Ossola attended the Update Q1 event organized by Auxiell.

Update Q1 is a moment of meeting dedicated to the comparison with all the business teams to share where you arrived and in which direction you are going to pick up from the new objectives.

17th march, 2022

Coin: Be Unique campaign

Coin - Be Unique

Offline event

Each of us is unique with its merits, its defects, its visible and often invisible disabilities…let’s remember that we are unique, each in its own way“.

On Thursday, March 17, our President Alessandro Ossola was the guest of Monica Gagliardi, Marketing Director of Coin, at the Milan store in Piazza 5 Giornate to tell her story.

Alessandro took part in Coin’s Spring Summer 2022 campaign, #BeUnique, which celebrates the beauty of being unique by exalting their individuality in every gesture.

24th february, 2022

Lego: courage and challenges

Lego Bionic

Online event

On Thursday, 24 February Alessandro Ossola and Andrea De Beni attended the speech with Lego Italy for Lego Europe.

We thank the 600 people connected from all over Europe for participating with us in an event full of stimuli on issues so dear to us, such as courage, challenges, and inclusion.

Thanks also for turning our testimonials into mini-figures!

12th february, 2022

Università Statale of Milan: Network Day 2022

Network day 2022 Milano

Offline event

On Saturday 12 February Alessandro Ossola and Giorgio Napoli attended the JECoMM meeting at the Milan University

The training and insights in relation to Diversity & Inclusion are our bread… and it is beautiful to perceive that goes straight to the heart of the generations of leaders of the future.

Together we will create a better and inclusive society!

7th January, 2022

Salon de Provance: meeting with students

Salon de Provance - incontro con studenti

Offline event

Friday, January 7, we inaugurated the new year with the first international meeting organized in a French school.

Thanks to all the students for their attention and curiosity, to the teachers for the precious help in real-time translation, and to the managers for the special opportunity!

15th December, 2021

Errebi: the importance of goals

Evento Errebi

Offline event

Errebi, a fast-growing dealer in Northern Italy chose Bionic People for the motivational end-of-year speech.

We have conveyed the importance of knowing how to set achievable goals to continue to improve and grow.

10th December, 2021

Radius: impossible challenges

Evento Radius

Offline event

We created a motivational speech with Radius in which we talked about impossible challenges.

At Bionic People, we understand impossible challenges, and we know that we can help companies that sometimes face challenging times.

3rd december, 2021

Milano: the disability day with Bottega Veneta

Evento Bottega Veneta

Offline event

Together with  Bottega Veneta, we spent the World Day of Disability.

We made a speech for one of the largest Italian fashion companies to raise awareness on issues related to diversity and inclusion.

This is the first step to proving that all bodies can be beautiful and, above all, in their diversity and uniqueness.

3rd December, 2021

OGR Turin: Bionic People together with CPD

Bionic People e CPD

Offline event

Bionic People is proud to be among the 300 Piedmontese organizations to have participated, represented by Vice President Riccardo Cotilli at the International Day of People with Disabilities 2021 together with CPD – Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà – at the OGR in Turin.

25th November, 2021

University of Turin: Sport Analytics Lab

sport analytics lab 2021

Offline event

Today, I will talk about the challenges, difficulties, and dreams that brought me from Turin to Tokyo

Our President Alessandro Ossola attended a Sport Analytics-themed lecture at the University of the Studies of Turin.

17th november, 2021

4 Week 4 Inclusion: participation with Enel

4 week 4 inclusion

Offline event

The 4W4I is a great international marathon in which over 200 pertner alternate in a relay webinar and shared events dedicated to the enhancement of diversity and inclusion.

Over a period of 4 weeks, TIM has organised a choral story starting from the company’s stories and going over the walls of the offices, looking inside each of the experiences and discussing how to achieve inclusion. It was discussed how diversity, if recognized, welcomed and valued, can become a strategic factor for business and a value for all people.

Our President Alessandro Ossola participated together with Enel representing Bionic People.

16th November, 2021

ATP Finals: Interview with Pierluigi Pardo

Intervista con Pierluigi Pardo

Offline event

On the occasion of the ATP Finals in Turin, our President, Alessandro Ossola, was interviewed by Pierluigi Pardo, the famous sports journalist and commentator.

To see the full interview click here

3rd november, 2021

Courmayeur Ladies Open, adaptive tennis

Courmayeur Ladies Open

Offline event

On the field, athletes of four associations representing as many disabilities:
– Bionic People with 2 “standing” athletes,
– Real Eyes Sport with 2 “blind” athletes,
– Ash Novara with 2 Fisdir athletes,
– Lab 3.11, in collaboration with FIT, with two wheelchair athletes

There’s Giorgio Napoli from Luino, a 23-year-old boy who two years ago lost a leg in a car accident, and now he’s helping himself with a Pistorius limb.

There is Gregory Leperdi, from Turin, also Bionic People and national para ice hockey, also European champion with the national team in one of only seven disciplines at the Winter Paralympic Games.

23th october, 2021

Lugano: adaptive fitness at Gym Tonic

Gym Tonic Lugano

Offline event

Our testimonials Gregory B A Leperdi, ANDREA DE BENI, Giorgio Napoli and Alessandro Ossola htook part in an interesting fitness class in the GymTonic gym in Lugano.

Together we tested that inclusion is really possible, not only in sport, and above all that adapting does not mean climbing.

We thank all the participants and in particular the Gym tonic team for involving us!

14th october, 2021

Flex: a motivational speech with employees


Online event

Flex is an industry 4.0 robotics and digitization company.

The company organized, together with Bionic People, a motivational speech dedicated to its employees to raise awareness about diversity & inclusion.

We have created a partnership for 2022 to train employees’ children on road safety issues.

30th september, 2021

Paris: the inclusive fashion show of the designer Fabio Porliod

sfilata parigi Porliod

Offline event

Fabio Porliod is a Valdosta designer who, together with the Phoenix Alternative Models association, has created for the second time – the first in 2019 – an inclusive fashion show at the Hotel des Invalides in Paris.

The designer’s project aims to show that everybody is beautiful because it is a unique message that we at Bionic People are committed to transmitting from 2019 through our activities.

At the end of the show, we had the opportunity to discuss with First Lady Brigitte Macron – wife of the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron – about inclusion and beauty.

Thanks to Fabio and the French association Phoenix Alternative Models for inviting us to participate in this important project by parading on the catwalk Chiara Valerio and Alessandro Ossola!

18th september, 2021

Riva degli Etruschi: Sotto Gamba Game

Sotto Gamba Game

Evento in presenza

The Sotto Gamba Game was born from the integration between two realities: the Toscana Disabili Sport Onlus of Livorno and TUTUN Sport Club e Servizi of San Vincenzo (LI) that will host the event in the spaces of the Wellnes Resort Riva Degli Etruschi of San Vincenzo (LI).

The event aims to create, in the practice of sport and fun, an opportunity to meet people equally different.

Our young people participated in various activities, experimenting with new and exciting sports.

These are some of the disciplines you can try in the two locations: tennis, basketball, table tennis, swimming, hand biking, mountain biking, archery, surfing, windsurfing, kite surfing, canoeing, sailing, catamaran, sitting-volleyball, fencing, and much more!

For more detailed info, visit the official website of the event: Sotto Gamba Game 2021

25th june, 2021

Intarget: the change

Online event for Intarget employees

Intarget is a company that focuses on people and pays particular attention to important issues such as diversity and inclusion.

Together with the employees of Intarget, our testimonials Alessandro, Daniele, and Matteo addressed the change issue.

In compliance with the anti-Covid rules, the event took place online.

27th may, 2021

IBM Disability Days

Online event for IBM employees

In compliance with the anti-Covid rules, the event took place online.

During the event, Bionic People testimonials told their stories and played with IBM employees in a fun and engaging way!

12th june, 2021

Disability gets on the track

automotive events asd

Offline event

Automotive Events ASD and Bionic People are waiting for you to live together an unforgettable day on the track. We are waiting for you at the Castelletto Circuit in Pavia!

Motto Bionic People


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Bionic People ASD - Lungo Dora Firenze, 125/bis 10153 Torino (TO)
- All rights are reserved